====== Site etiquette ====== All identified users are able to create, alter or delete pages. Here are the editing rules * All content on this site is public so keep things professional, courteous, and appropriate to share in any context. * All reference pages have an assigned curator. Other contributors may enter suggestions or comments with a quoting mark (use > at the start of the line) and their initials. > NB This is an example of making a comment or suggestion from Nathan Bunker (NB). In general, the following principles should be used during group interactions: * All contributions are welcome, everyone has something unique to contribute. Please give us the benefit of your opinions and questions. * Assume positive intent. We are all here trying to find solutions that make things better. * Dare to make mistakes. We prefer iterative improvements over perfect execution. * Give your ideas away, don't own them. We need your good ideas, even if we can't adopt every one. * Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. We should focus on how we can make things better.